Stop Over-Paying For Prescription Medications

Stop Over-Paying For Prescription Medications

Prescription medications can be expensive with some patients opting for over-the-counter medication as an alternative to paying expensive prices but there are additional financial resources for affordable prescription medication.  One of the biggest expenses can...

Finding An Affordable Or Free Diet Program

Finding An Affordable Or Free Diet Program

Starting a diet can be daunting and sticking with the diet can seem complicated. One affordable option is participating in a diet program that will help guide you through your wellness journey.  Starting a diet might be difficult but diet programs can help create...

Making Extra Cash With Vending Machines

Making Extra Cash With Vending Machines

There are a ton of side hustle that can get you some extra cash, but a lucrative side hustle can start with forming a small business using vending machines.  You would think vending machines only make money through chump change but can actually be a lucrative...

Save Money On Home Appliances At Scratch

Save Money On Home Appliances At Scratch

Here is a simple buying guide that will show you how to shop scratch and dent appliances.  Buying scratch and dent appliances may be worth it if you deal with the risks properly. But what are scratch and dent appliances?As the name suggests, these appliances may...

Bioethanol Company Offers Kenyans Affordable Eco-Friendly Fuel

Bioethanol Company Offers Kenyans Affordable Eco-Friendly Fuel

Across the country of Nairobi, citizens are utilizing the services of what appears to be a large blue ATM machine that actually dispenses eco-friendly cooking fuel instead of cash. The big blue ethanol stations provide citizens access to affordable and eco-friendly...